Get expert help with all aspects of the Resource Management Act. Our highly specialised team are at the forefront of this volatile field, and can guide you towards the best outcome for your project or business.
Our resource management law practice is headed by renowned RMA and environmental law expert Colleen Prendergast, who for many years was a town planner and has lectured on planning at the University of Auckland. We assist both individuals and organisations in Northland and Auckland with RMA and Environment Court matters.
Resource Consents
Whether applying for a resource consent, or challenging a resource consent that affects you, our team can help you navigate the process effectively and work towards your desired outcome. We welcome enquiries from both individuals and businesses on resource consent matters.
District or Regional Plan Changes and Reviews
Our resource management lawyers can represent your interests in district and regional plan review processes, and provide compelling advocacy to local government to initiate policy and plan changes on your behalf.
Consultancy and Project Management
For undertakings such as developments and subdivisions, we provide expert consultancy and project management services to ensure the best outcome for your project.
RMA Prosecutions and the Environment Court
If you are being prosecuted under the Resource Management Act, we can advise and represent you in hearings before both Councils and the Environment Court. We have experience acting on behalf of farmers, particularly in the case of effluent discharge offences, as well as other land use issues such as earthworks. We specialise in mediation and negotiation before the Environment Court.
Land Law
We can also assist in property issues such as title issues, boundary disputes and other aspects of land law (including Maori land law).
Talk to our resource management lawyers
Contact us today for the advice you need on the RMA and environmental law issues.