Our immigration specialists will help guide you through the rules and regulations of personal and business visa applications.
Applying for temporary or residence visas or going through the process of hiring migrants to work in your business, getting specialist advice can help to save you time and money.
Our expertise will provide relevant advice on immigration rules and requirements for your business, employment and family matters.
Visa application
Getting advice early can help you assess your visa eligibility and recommend the right visa for your situation. We’ll assist you with the preparation of your visa application and act on your behalf in dealing with Immigration New Zealand.
Employer advice
As an employer seeking to hire migrant workers we can advise you on your immigration law obligations. We’ll also be there to assist you in securing the relevant visa to allow a migrant to become your employee.
Deportation liability, visa reconsideration, and other matters
Visa issues can be time-consuming and frustrating, understanding the situation and seeking the right advice will help you to resolve them quickly. We can help you work through the details with immigration New Zealand, lodging a challenge notice of deportation liability, applying for declined temporary visa reconsideration, appealing decisions to decline resident visa applications and representing you at the Immigration and Protection Tribunal.
Talk to our immigration law specialists
Whatever immigration law advice you need, contact us today to get the right advice.